A Guide To Showing Your Rats

Why Attend a Rat Show?

Rat shows offer a multitude of benefits to both casual pet owners and dedicated breeders. They provide a vibrant community where rat enthusiasts can connect with like-minded individuals. Spending a day among people who are equally passionate about rats is an enriching experience, as it allows for the sharing of stories, insights, and advice.

For pet owners, attending a rat show presents an opportunity to see how their rats interact with others and how they measure up in comparison. The competitive aspect adds an element of fun, as owners eagerly watch their rats vying for rosettes and other accolades.

For breeders, rat shows are an important tool for assessment and endorsement. They allow breeders to observe how their rats perform in a competitive setting, which can be invaluable information for improving their breeding programs. A win or a good placement validates the breeder's efforts and endorses their recognition. Additionally, championships won by pet owners also contribute positively to the breeder’s credentials.


Where are the Rat Shows? 

Rat shows take place all over the UK. 

There are many different clubs who hold regular rat shows; 

Check out the individual show calendars for each of the National & Regional Clubs

  • National Fancy Rat Society (NFRS)


  • London & Southern Counties Mouse and Rat Club (LSCMRC)


  • North East Rat Society (NERS)


  • Midlands Rat Club (MRC)


What Happens at a Rat Show?

At a rat show, each rat is housed in its own individual tank (pictured below) with a sliding wire lid. This setup ensures that the rats are safely contained while still being easily accessible for judging. Kittens under 14 weeks old and dwarf rats of any age can share tanks in same-sex pairs, providing they are not identical. For example; 2 Russian Blue kittens can share, if one is top eared and one is dumbo. 

Judging takes place throughout the day, where each rat is evaluated against the standard for its particular variety and placed within its designated class. Different varieties are grouped into sections, and the event culminates with top placements being determined in the Supreme Challenge. Prestigious titles such as "Best in Show," "Best Novice," and "Best Rare Variety" are among the awards given.

How to Enter Your Rat(s)

Entry deadlines for most rat shows typically close by late evening on the Wednesday prior to the event. To register entries, exhibitors need to email the designated Show Secretary and provide their name, age group (adult or junior), and a contact number for the day of the show. Additionally, they must specify whether their rats will be shown in varieties, pets, or in both categories.

For variety entries, detailed information is required 

  • Rats variety
  • Age (adult or kitten)
  • Sex (buck or doe)  
  • Whether the rat is to be entered into varieties only or dual entry into pets too

You should also specify whether the rat entered is eligible for ‘Novice’, if you have bred the rat yourself. 

If the rat is a kitten, it is helpful to mention which other kitten (if any)  it will share a tank with.

For pet-only entries, the sex of each rat must be indicated, but you do not need to specify whether it’s an adult or kitten, nor its variety. 

Any requests for tank hire or purchase should be made at the time of entry submission.

How to Prepare Your Rats

Preparation is key to ensuring your rats are ready for the show. The day before the event, it is advisable to trim your rats' nails to make handling easier for the judges. Additionally, their tails should be cleaned using slightly warm water and a baby-safe shampoo to remove any dirt or debris. Providing a nutritious meal of freshly cooked carbohydrates the night before the show will help ensure that your rats have ample energy for the event.

What to Do When You Arrive at the Show

On the day of the show, it is important to arrive early with your rats, well before the judging begins. If you requested a hire tank, or requested to purchase tanks when you made your entries, ask the Show Secretary for your reserved tanks, or alternatively, set up your own show tanks in advance. You will need 2 inches of your rats usual substrate in the bottom of the tank and you must provide a water-source in the show tanks too (a piece of cucumber is best). You may sprinkle some of your rats usual food mix in too, for them to graze throughout the day. 

Upon arrival, look for your name attached to a set of tank labels provided by the Show Secretary (usually laid out on the judging benches). Affix your labels to your tanks. If you need help identifying & positioning the labels correctly, the Show Secretary will be happy to assist. 

If you need to withdraw any rats from the competition, promptly return their tank labels to the Show Secretary. Place your tanks on the designated show bench, where stewards will arrange them in order.

How to Spend the Rest of the Day

Once judging has commenced and the Show Secretary is managing the event, take the opportunity to finalise your entry payments. Consider volunteering for various tasks such as serving refreshments, selling raffle tickets, or assisting the Show Secretary with organisational duties. This not only helps the event run smoothly but also enhances your overall experience.

You can also take advantage of this time to observe the rats (from outside the judging area), seek introductions from the Show Secretary to fellow attendees, or connect with individuals you've been looking forward to meeting. If you need to step out of the show temporarily, ensure that you have your phone with you for any necessary contact.

After Judging is Over

Once the judging concludes, you will be invited to retrieve your tanks while the Show Secretary handles the necessary paperwork. Assist with cleaning and tidying the venue if you are able. If you hired a tank, make sure to empty and clean it before returning it to the Show Secretary.

Following the cleanup, presentations of awards will take place, celebrating the achievements of the day.

After the Show

Post-show care is essential to ensure the well-being of your rats. Occasionally, rats may pick up lice at shows, so it is important to stay vigilant and treat all your rats with an appropriate ivermectin product if necessary. Additionally, monitor your rats for any signs of illness or viral transmission following the event, and promptly notify the Show Secretary if any concerns arise.

Attending a rat show is not only a delightful experience but also a valuable opportunity to connect with a passionate community, gain insights, and contribute to the overall improvement of breeding standards.
Happy showing!